"Whatever God Brings You To, He's Big Enough To Bring You Through!"

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Rocky Mountains... What a Site to Behold!

Day #7
Date: 07/26/11
Traveled: Rapid City, SD to Columbus, MT
Interstates: I90
Miles Driven: 150 Miles
Hours on Road: 9:30am - 7:300pm
Weather: Scattered Showers & Sun (85 degrees)

Well today we left Rapid City, SD around 9:30ish and got back on the road to continue our journey. Everyone was a little sad to leave as we really enjoyed our time there. The TeePee campground was a nice little place to camp with afternoon sunsets that could not be beat. In addition, it was centrally located so it made it easy to get to the different paces we wanted to visit while we were there.

Once we were on the road, we headed west on Interstate 90 towards Wyoming. Our drive through the state was nice with some very interesting land formations to see. However, nothing could prepare us for the Rocky Mountains we could see in the distance as we moved closer to Montana. As we came off a plateau in WY, the Rockies were staring us in the face. They still had snow on the peaks which was great to see and which made us want to get to AK even quicker. We traveled along the foot of the mountains throughout Wyoming until we finally made into MT. We ended the day at a little campground in Columbus, MT named the Mountain Range RV Park where we arrived just in time to beat a passing thunderstorm. Robin went in to register and when she returned she had the info on our spot. As we drove to it she mentioned that the attendant had told her we could drive through the field to get the camper lined up in our spot but that it wouldn't be a good idea to let's the boys play there as they had a few rattlesnakes around. What.. Really... Rattlesnakes... Come on... Seriously? Sure enough, they even mentioned this on there paperwork for the campground. Oh well, I guess if we don't bother them, they want bother us... Right? We set up the camper, started some laundry met a couple of neighbors and enjoyed another beautiful sunset. Luckily, after the storm, the skies cleared, the temperature drop considerably and it felt great outside! Below are the links to our photos and videos of the day... Check them out when you have the time.

Pictures from the day:

Videos from the day:

Tomorrow we plan to make it to Great Falls, MT where we plan to spend a couple of more days before crossing the border into Canada and starting our journey up through the Canadian Rockies.

God Bless & Good Travels!

The Moores

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