"Whatever God Brings You To, He's Big Enough To Bring You Through!"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Another Month Has Come & Gone...

Day: 116
Date: 11.13.11

It has been a while since we've posted an update so we wanted to take a moment to catch-up with everyone.  For those of you who are on Facebook, you've see a few more updates that those who are not.  We've found it's a little easier to keep things updated there given the time constraints of the day.  If you are a member of Facebook and have not liked out page yet, you can find it and "Like" it at www.facebook.com/faithtothe49th

It's hard to believe we have been here in AK for over 3 months now.   The past month or so has been extremely busy.  A new job, new friends and more involvement with our church have kept us hopping during the weeks and weekends! Cole started and finished his basketball season during the month of October and of course we ended the month with trick-or-treating.  This year's trick-or-treating was a new experience... for the very first time ever we took the kids trick-or-treating in the snow!  It was a great night as this was the first snow of the winter here on the Kenai Peninsula. 

The next weekend we awoke to our first large snow (at least by TN terms) which was 8-9".  Later that morning our landlord/neighbors came over to see if the boys would like to help with the sled dogs and take a team of the pups on a run.  Of course they wanted to, so we dressed and headed over.   By the way has anyone ever heard 85+ dogs barking at the same time?  Needless to say, it gets kind of loud.  While we were there we learned how to place the harnesses on the dogs and hook them to the pull line.  After that, the boys took off as the dogs were pulling the 4-wheeler, as there was not yet enough snow yet to run the sled.  30-45 minutes later, the boys returned and were stoked to have had that experience.  We helped unhook and unharness the dogs and then headed home.  Once we were home the first snowball fight of the winter ensued and somehow I ended up as the looser.  3 on 1 has a way of causing that.  :-)  Sunday we had a great church service and then a pot-luck dinner for lunch. 

The past week has been a mix of cold snowy days and cold clear days.  A couple of nights have seen lows in the negative single digits.  Friday evening the snow moved back in and we awoke once again to a fresh blanket of 6-8" of new snow Saturday morning.  The kids spent the day play and sledding in it while I went into town for our monthly men's prayer breakfast at church.  Afterward, I got to witness my very first moose being field dressed and prepared.  Those are some extremely large creatures.

Below are the links to several pictures we have taken over the past few weeks.  Check them out when you have time.  The Lord continues to bless and we are so very grateful.  It seems as though we see some new amazing site or have some new amazing experience every other day.  If you ever get the chance to visit AK, let me encourage you to take the opportunity to do so.  For those who think they will never have the time, let me encourage you to make time.  It's an experience and a land you will never forget!












God Bless & Safe Travels!

The Moores

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